LENMED AIR 2019.pdf

FINANCIAL CAPITAL Lenmed’s pool of funds consists of funds reinvested in the Group, revenue generated, rental income, interest income and a combination of long- and short-term loans from capital providers. MANUFACTURED CAPITAL The hospital facilities and general infrastructure that enables Lenmed to deliver our services. HUMAN CAPITAL The skills and experience invested in our employees that enable us to implement our strategy and deliver our products and services, thereby creating value for Lenmed’s stakeholders. SOCIAL AND RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL The key and long-term relationships Lenmed has cultivated with key stakeholders and service providers. INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL The intangibles that sustain the quality of our product and service offering, which provide Lenmed’s competitive advantage. NATURAL CAPITAL The natural resources that Lenmed uses for the delivery of our services. Our sustainable business model INPUTS, OUTPUTS AND OUTCOMES BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Our business activities include the provision of healthcare in three tiers: Primary care Secondary care Tertiary care 01 02 03 + The ‘gatekeeper’ or first point of medical consultation. Our focus here is on preventative healthcare, promotion of health and wellness, and rehabilitation. This is the broadest scope of healthcare, including patients attempting to maintain optimal health through to patients with acute and chronic medical conditions. 01 + These are our medical specialists, such as cardiologists, urologists, specialty physicians and other healthcare professionals who provide services to patients referred to them. + Hospital or acute care. Patients admitted to hospital, a visit to the emergency room, childbirth, medical imaging and intensive care unit attendance are examples of acute care. + Physiotherapists, speech therapists and occupational therapists generally work in secondary care. 02 + Patients requiring a higher level of care are considered to be in tertiary care. + This category includes patients referred to specialised consultative healthcare by a primary or secondary healthcare professional. + Tertiary care services include cancer treatment and management, burn wound care, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, and other complex treatments or procedures. 03 OUR VALUE CREATION POSITIONING 16